Men and women's (the people) rights are bestowed upon us by God. They are un-a-lien-able. A lien cannot be placed upon them. Your rights are your property and you have right over your property.
We The People must restore the proper flow of authority (God>People>Society>Government).
Unalienable: Inalienable; incapable of being
aliened, that is, sold and transferred.
Aliened: To transfer or make over to another; to convey or transfer the property of a thing from one person to another; to alienate.
Your unalienable (un-a-lien-able) rights are your property and no other man/women (people) has right over your property!
Put God first and stand firmly in what he has bestowed upon you!
Liberty = Freedom + Morality + Responsibility
"A Republic if you can keep it."
- Benjamin Franklin, 1787
Freedom Fighter 1776™
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